Need Awesome Office Software? We’ve Got You Covered
What is a modern business without great software? Of course, what software is great is a matter of opinion. Many business owners will swear by sticking to common freeware or Microsoft Office suites. But there are so many software solutions for different business aspects. It’s crazy not to give them at least a look! Here is a list of great software that can be a boon to any office.
Storage and sharing
When people think about storage and sharing in modern business, they usually think about the cloud. And, indeed, the cloud does offer the easiest, fastest way of storing and sharing big files, even in bulk. However, you need to be careful about what storage solution you’re using. You have to make sure the correct encryption is in place to protect the privacy of such files. Your best bet is to look at popular storage solutions that have business versions as well.
Accounting software
A lot of people forget that accountants can find a use for good, specialized software. We often think that an accountant will be just fine with a calculator and a copy of Microsoft Excel. But that’s not exactly the most efficient way of going about things. If you want software that’s tailored to accounting, the software is out there. It might be best if you look for one that offers a free trial. Work with your accountant to make sure the software you’re investing in is right for the job.
You’re probably sick of hearing about how important your Internet presence is to your business, right? You already know that you need visitors to your website. Followers on your Twitter. Likes on your Facebook account. And that a lot of that requires good marketing and SEO. But how can you tell how effective any of it is? How can you tell how engaged people are by your Internet presence? I won’t be cryptic about this: the answer is Google Analytics.
Human resource management
Human resource management is a lot more involved than people think it is. And it’s not exactly something you can afford to get wrong, either. Employees rely on it to take sick days or annual leave. They need to know what days off or benefits they’re entitled to at any given time. Well, guess what? There’s human resources management software you can get that makes the whole thing easy to see and arrange. This is just something the HR department will use. It’s software that your employees can access themselves.
Project management
Projects can turn into a right mess. Even when you know they’re going to be complex, they’re never as simple as you think they’re going to be. Tasks start getting added on at inconvenient times. Things end up taking longer than they were supposed to. Wires get crossed. People start finishing things sooner than you thought they would and so projected timelines get a little messed up. It’s all part of the job, but man does it get mind-boggling. My advice? Use a project management platform that keeps it all in check.