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How to Protect Your Home: Effective Tips to Prevent Break-Ins

Must-Have Technology for Home Protection

If you’ve ever had your home broken into, you know it’s a terrifying and devastating experience. If it’s never happened to you, we’re glad. But can it sometimes feel like it’s inevitable? Everyone seems to know someone who has experienced a home invasion. Be assured that it’s unlikely to happen. But it is knowing that still isn’t enough to set our minds at ease. A lot of people I know still don’t feel completely comfortable when they’re at home by themselves. The bigger the house, the worse the feeling is.

You can do things to help put your mind at rest. You should ensure your house is up to date with security technology. Many innovative technologies were unveiled at the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show. While these were all impressive, there are many more basic steps you should consider taking.

Lighting with motion sensor technology

When a burglar approaches a house, the one thing they’re dreading as they move across the lawn is the presence of light. A bunch of bright LED lights activating and flooding the lawn is a great defense technique.

There are a lot of different lights you can get that do this. If you decide to buy some, you need to consider the size of your property. The distance at which these lights can detect movement varies from product to product. Another thing to consider is precise placement. Where do you want the lights to shine? Be careful that those lights don’t shine directly into your neighbors’ bedroom. You don’t want to blind your neighbors at midnight because a dog happened to walk across your lawn!


Motion-sensing lights are a great thing to have. But the fact is that most burglaries don’t occur at night. An estimated 72% of robberies take place during the day. You must remember this! A lot of people only make security considerations for nighttime. Nothing puts a thief off of their plan quite like the sight of a CCTV camera. CCTV can be quite complicated to set up, which puts off some people. It’s not as hard as it might look, though! Consider having a CCTV company review your property and install the system. If anything does happen, you’ll have the crooks caught on camera. This makes the search and prosecution much easier!

Security alarms

Security alarms are so effective they sometimes even cause the property owner to worry about setting them off! As with lights, these come in various forms. More expensive security alarms tend to allow for more customization. Many choose not to install the systems themselves. If you get a specialized company to install the security alarm, you will have access to a direct security hotline. That company will provide this. They will be notified whenever a security alarm is set off and may contact you. This will be useful if you’ve accidentally set off the alarm yourself.

Looking for simpler ways to protect yourself from thieves? There are plenty of checks you can make yourself. Try giving your door a firm nudge when it’s locked. Does it remain firmly locked? You should also check the view of your house from outside. How many valuables can you see? A surprising amount of burglaries occur on the criminal’s impulse after seeing something in a house they want. Make sure you’re not advertising your expensive gadgets!

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