A good WordPress hosting enables you to connect with your customers in a much more purposeful manner. We are always attracted to things that are cheap. But that always comes with a huge compensation. So it is most important to choose a good WordPress hosting for your site as cheap hosting will lead you nowhere.
There are a lot of reasons to avoid cheap WordPress Hosting services:
1) Limitations
Cheap WordPress Hosts will usually use poor servers, a lot of users will be stacked in a single server. As a result, the amount of resources shared between each user is severely minimized. This leads to issues like an overloaded database and low PHP memory limit.
2) Hard disk fails
Server hard disks are tend to more expensive than their desktop counterparts. It is necessary to replace the drive over time as the probability of failure significantly increases along with the performance degrading below acceptable levels. In the case of cheap WordPress hosts, such powerless hard disks are used for a long time.
3) Little or No Backups
New users are unaware of the importance of backups. With established WordPress hosting providers, backups will be taken almost daily and retained them up to 30 days. But in the case of a cheap WordPress Host, regular backups are pretty slim.
4) Longer Downtimes
Downtimes, however, are a necessary part of the shared hosting business. Backend technicians are people who maintain the servers. Skilled server admins are very expensive – a concept cheap hosts like to avoid like the plague.
5) Security:
Cheap WordPress Hosts have poor security countermeasures. So, it’s a cakewalk for a hacker to breach the security and cause trouble. At the end of the day, you need reliable, secure, and fast web hosts. So, always choose quality over price.
Cheap WordPress Hosts spell nothing but disaster. We need extra caution when choosing a WordPress Host that meets our needs. It is best to choose an experienced and reputed WordPress Host.