It has been a trend likely, to launch and promote brands online. Social media plays a vital role in that. It has been seen that many companies today, tend to approach the media first in order to make their product, recognized around the globe.
Australia has never been in the top rankings in the world on social services. The media of Australia is never that strong. Unfortunately, the main drawback of such an issue is that 51% of the salesmen do not include SEO, in the International budget overall.
Boosting Social Media Awareness in Australia
Secondly, Australia is not prominent on Social Media. They have no idea about how such media plays a vital role in establishing businesses worldwide. They have no such understanding of what is Twitter and Facebook. 54% of them don’t know which social websites are and the other 47% don’t even have accounts on Facebook. Would that lead to a good business approach?
Australians don’t know how to act on social media. People who are running large businesses are even more onto the social stuff rather when compared to those running small businesses. Unfortunately, such education must be given to the public, to make them aware of what’s going around in the world.
Australia’s Online Marketing Strategy
Large companies even know more about it, but, they only spent 15% of the total on SEO. That tells they are not confident enough to do it. Looking at it from a further angle it makes sense that whatever businesses are run over in Australia, they are large and they do not know how to visualize it on the social center. They hesitate to work online and know nothing about online marketing. Fewer jobs and less marketing stuff out there.
Coming towards what Australia needs to do for better results is to make them prominent on social networks. 100% of the people on the East Coast use Facebook and thus it’s far easier to work on online marketing and make its scale reach on the world ranking. Just posting Ads and doing business online can help them become more successful.
Other statistics about Australia say that people running businesses over there think that it’s of no use to work online and the other salesperson thinks online marketing is of no use. Comparing Australia, with the other European countries it’s far behind on social era and has nothing to do with international relations. They give no priority to SEO and hence, all they need now is a wide change in their system. All of a sudden change in awareness can help them only. People need to get to social areas and run online work otherwise, they will lead to a dreadful loss in businesses. The world is at its peak now.